Important terms and conditions – please read:
Holiday Club
In case of emergency/or medical issues arising, a member of Chiltern Forest School staff will take responsibility to administer first aid. Please note parents will be contacted immediately.
Parent info page
Please remove Summer Clothing Updates and replace with Suitable Clothing Requirements
Due to the ever changing weather and the activities we provide please ensure that your child/ren are suitably dressed for the outdoors.
Long trousers/sleeved tops – Children may brush against stinging nettles, brambles etc.
Waterproof trousers and coat – The weather is always changing and down pours are likely. The children are also asked to sit on tree stumps which maybe damp from the night before. In our conservation area we have a mud kitchen where children like to play with mud and water.
Sensible shoes must be worn – no open toed shoes or crocs
Layering clothing is best. If the children become hot they can remove a layer, or add if they are cold.
NO fancy dress clothing is to be worn at any time. We have an open fire on site and these types of clothes are highly flammable. If you child attends in fancy dress clothing you will be asked to provide suitable clothing before your child can attend.
SUMMER MONTHS – Please apply sun cream before your child attends and a hat should also be provided
WINTER MONTHS – Thermals are very important due to the cold. It is always best to wear the same amount of layers on your legs as on your top. SNOW boots are a lot warmer than wellington boots and can be brought cheaply from supermarket chains. If wellington boots are to be worn please ensure your child is wearing thermal socks and have enough room in their boots for their feet to move as this can cause extreme pain, WATERPROOF gloves should also be provide (woolly gloves get wet and muddy, which then cannot be worn). Hats should also be worn.
The children will be outdoors all day with very little shelter. It is very important to have your child suitably dressed and to also provide spare clothes in case of accidents or their clothes becoming wet due to rain or the mud kitchen.
Sort code: 40-08-41
Account Number: 41556940 (please state your child’s name as reference).
Outdoor School of bushcraft and other outdoor activities for children and adults in Buckinghamshire.